My Services
Corrective exercise,
Strength and Conditioning for Performance
Neuro Muscular Therapy for  pain relief and body realignment
Biomechanical Analysis Head, jaw, neck and joint assessments
Program Design
Postural Re-alignment
Pain Relief
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching - health optimisation, disease management and reduction
Nutrition coaching and metabolic typing


You could have the best strength and conditioning program written by the best trainer in the world yet you may not achieve your targets because of your internal health. Utilising our menu of laboratory tests we can found out what factors may be limiting your physical, chemical and emotional health.


If you suffer from any of the following then we have a number of tests that can help to confirm a number of related issues that could be the root cause of these conditions


Digestive issues such as IBS, acid reflux, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, inflammation, bad breath


Fatigue or lethargy without undue exertion, conditions such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia


Emotional variance - mood swings, anxiety, apathy, anger etc


Weight gain/loss


Sleep issues- feeling un-rested, waking up early in the morning, feeling tired after meals


Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, athlete’s foot and dandruff.


Fertility difficulties


We can provide a number of tests that include


Male and female hormone panel analysis including estrogen, testosterone, luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, growth hormone and other factors


Gastric function- full fungal and parasite assessment which also includes food sensitivities, immune system function, intestinal inflammation and pancreatic enzymes.


Liver and detoxification markers


Stress test- adrenal /cortisol/growth hormone assessment


Hair Mineral analysis


We have many other clinical lab tests to suit each health complaint, please contact for more information