Testimonial 1

“Praise for remote treatments!”

I have been in contact with Keith for approximately 5 months. I guess my experience is unique in that although we have achieved excellent results, we have never actually met.

My son recommended that I contact Keith as he trusted his advice after having a lot of help with a back problem.  Personally, I was in a rut with diet and my digestive system seemed to be sluggish almost to the point of packing up. I am also peri-menopausal.  Keith asked me to complete a number of questionnaires, we talked over the phone and via email and I undertook some tests too. Upon the conclusion of these I was advised to follow a sensible eating plan designed to suit me and took various supplements to resolve the issues that I had including, H Pylori, Gluten and Lactose intolerances, mood swings and difficulty in shifting excess weight.

With the programme Keith devised for me and our regular contact, I have shed two and half stones over the period and am delighted. Although I haven’t managed to be perfect in eliminating everything suggested, I still feel brighter, less moody, more energetic and am fitter than I’ve been for at least ten years. The effects are noticeable and friends are asking me what I’ve done, even intimating that I’ve had Botox (which I haven’t)!

I am motivated to continue as I didn’t realise how bad I felt until I was so much better!

Thanks so much Keith!

Liz Orbell


Testimonial 2

After many years of a desk-bound job, my posture has suffered in a predictable fashion – sloping shoulders, unattractive hunched gorilla-esque look and a nagging pain at the top of my back.  While visits to the physio and more general exercise have improved the problem in the short term, I needed a more in-depth and long term approach. 


 After a full (and ongoing) assessment Keith has devised a series of stretches and exercises which target my problem areas and, over time, have made a significant and obvious difference to my posture and general levels of pain.  The exercises are supplemented with neuro-muscular therapy sessions with Keith which focus on the most painful areas, and speed up the release of the most knotted muscles.  No pain no gain! 


Keith has done a great job, succeeding where years of physio have failed.  I would recommend him to anyone who is prepared to invest the time and money in a tailored and effective programme which works.  He has changed my life!


Juliet Clarke
Senior Vice President
Financial Communications

Testimonial 3

Over the past 4 years I have had a persistent neck pain, due to the amount of work I spend seated. I had seen a number of specialists such as Osteopath's and Physio's. after Just one session with Keith I felt a great improvement in my mobility and reduced neck pain, the effect was amazing and I am thoroughly impressed by the results of this approach

Simon Manuel, Solicitor

Testimonial 4

 I have a slight scoliosis and have suffered from back problems and postural imbalance for 20 years. Working with Keith has greatly improved my posture as well as overall strength and fitness. Peak Fitness offer a truly personalised service and have developed a tailored program of postural and core stability tarining to meet my concerns

Charlotte Wright PR executive